On Wednesday July 21, 2021, the Council of Ministers adopted (04) decrees:
A decree granting an exploration permit, valid for gold, to the company “West Africa Mineral Exploration SARL in short WAME SARL” in the departments of Ferkessédougou and Sinématiali;
• A decree granting an exploration permit, valid for gold, to the company « West Africa Mineral Exploration SARL abbreviated WAME SARL » in the department of Minignan;
• A decree granting an exploration permit, valid for manganese, to the company « IVOIRE MINERAIS SA » in the department of Bondoukou;
• A decree granting an exploration permit, valid for gold, to the company “BATTLE RESOURCES COTE D’IVOIRE SARL” in the departments of Gagnoa, Issia and Soubré.
These research permits are issued for a period of validity of four (04) years. All of these permits fully meet the technical and environmental conditions required
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