Gold: Perseus mining achieves new record in West Africa

Energia-africa juillet 21, 2021
Updated 2021/07/21 at 2:57 PM

Perseus Mining, posted a record quarterly production of 102,788 oz in the quarter ended in June, while gold production for the half year and full year exceeded production expectations.

Perseus mining noted on Wednesday that its three operating gold mines, Edikan in Ghana, and Sissingué and Yaouré in Ivory Coast, performed strongly in the June quarter, producing a combined total of 102,788 ounces of gold. gold, up 16% from the 88,458 oz produced in the previous quarter, up 50% from the December 2020 quarter.

Edikan produced 83,045 oz in the quarter under review, Sissingué contributed 48,763 oz and Yaouré produced 37,343 oz as it settled into steady state production.

For the six-month period ended in June, the group’s gold production amounted to 191,246 oz of gold, against the production target of between 175,000 oz and 190,000 oz, while the production of Gold for the full year ended June hit 328,632 oz, against production tips between 312,386 oz and 327,386 oz.

Gold sales for all three operations reached 106,899 ounces in the June quarter, up 23% from the March quarter, with the weighted average realized gold price reaching $ 1,652 / poz, in. more than 1.5% increase from the price received in the March quarter.

The miner ended the quarter with net cash up $ 50 million to $ 56 million, with debts reduced from $ 30 million to $ 100 million.

Perseus told shareholders it is on track to meet its goal of 500,000 oz per year by the end of 2021-2022 with operating cash margins of at least $ 400 / oz, setting a production target of between 225,000 oz and 255,000 oz for the six months through December.


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